(full-service – media relations, online, public affairs support)


The industry association of meal voucher issuers got a new look, from the name to the design to its focus. The trigger was recreational vouchers, with which came the desire to modernize the predecessor of the association AESP SR. During our cooperation with AMOBE, there were also times that did not let us breathe. Especially when there was social and political opposition to food stamps, which had to be responded to actively and flexibly.


At the beginning, the vision was to do a complete rebranding and redesign of the association, not only visually, but also in terms of content and organization. Later, it turned out to be crucial to maintain a positive, or at least neutral, public opinion of the client’s product.



Under our leadership, the association received a new identity, website and communication priorities. Thanks to the workshops with its members, we were able to not only create a new face of the association, but also successfully introduce it to public life. The following years with AMOBE were about full-service, from content creation and media relations through digital and online campaigns to support of PA activities.

At the time of opening the topic of employee meal support in Slovakia, we witnessed passionate debates that had to be moderated and kept at a professional level. However, our role did not end with community management on social networks. We covered all communication with the mass media, which required finding not only suitable channels, but also bulletproof arguments and messages. In this way, we continuously reacted to the current predatory developments not only on the political but also on the social scene in the form of advertisements, opinions, press releases or individual responses. We constantly took into account the association’s communication priorities in order not to fall into reactive communication. It was not easy to stand up argumentatively in discussions, so we had to constantly secure a wide range of professional documents, data and information from available Slovak and foreign sources. We also supported the local activities of the international roofing association SVIA.


Thanks to maintaining a matter-of-fact tone, despite the continuous emotional attacks, AMOBE has preserved the character of a professional association that is a relevant partner in professional discussions.

We managed to suppress and to some extent rationalize the often passionate attacks on social networks or in the media thanks to a calm and professional approach. By combining several tools and communication channels, we successfully delivered messages and data to the general public. Already during the campaign, we had the opportunity to see how our arguments were spontaneously used by third parties and the general public.

Although in the end it was not possible to maintain the status quo in the legislation, which was not even our task, the mood of the general public, and thus the end users of the client product, remained neutral to slightly positive. And this despite a months-long negative political campaign aimed at discrediting and partially ridiculing the product. Thus, we consider failure to fulfill catastrophic scenarios about the end of the industry to be the greatest success.